Sunday, January 28, 2018
Angeltruth Jacob -

In September 10th 1978, at a mine in Freiburg, Germany, a group of twenty-one miners arrived in the morning to find a dark figure with wings on its back in the entrance to the mine. When they approached it, it unfurled its wings and let out "a sound like fifty people screaming" or "a train in peril trying to break at the sight of a ...

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About Mothmen and Men in Black - UFO Evidence


Angeltruth Jacob -
Mothman's family - Cryptozoology, Myths and Legends - Unexplained ...
Jun 18, 2006 - 20 posts - 14 authorsHey, there are some creature similar to Mothman sighted through the world, most of them are blamed for caused disasters. :devil: Here's a list: Mothman: Sighted in west Virginia in 1960's, is blamed for the Silver Bridge collapse. Freiburg Shrieker: Sighted in Germany in 1978, is blamed for an explosion in a ...
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Angeltruth Jacob - YouTube

The Freiburg Shrieker | TheMothMan Wikia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
In September 10th 1978, at a mine in Freiburg, Germany, a group of twenty-one miners arrived in the morning to find a dark figure with wings on its back in the entrance to the mine. When they approached it, it unfurled its wings and let out "a sound like fifty people screaming" or "a train in peril trying to break at the sight of a ...

Cryptomundo » Flashback: Houston Bat Man
Jun 18, 2006 - Cryptomundo » Flashback: Houston Bat Man. ... Fifty-three years ago on this date in1953, a mysterious encounter occurred at 118 East Third Street, Houston, Texas. The sighting will forever be ... “Immediately afterwards we heard a loud swoosh over the housetops across the street. It was like a white flash ...

First Wave S01E10 Marker 262 - YouTube
Dec 26, 2016 - Uploaded by First Wawe Headley
First Wawe Headley 56 views · 52:07 · First Wave S01E12 Breeding Ground - Duration: 51:51. First Wawe ...

About Mothmen and Men in Black - UFO Evidence
"The moment I met Mrs. Hyre's niece Connie Carpenter in 1966, I knew she was telling the truth because her eyes were reddened, watery, and almost swollen shut. ... "According to her story, Connie, a shy, sensitive eighteen- year-old, was driving home from church at 10:30 A.M. on Sunday, November 27, 1966, when, ...
Book Scribbles: "I was kidnapped by flying saucers!"
Oct 9, 2011 - Not only did it go farther back in time, it went much farther back in time; according to Edwards flying saucers had been reported in ancient times, and John Keel, another icon of the era, asserted the flying saucer mystery had been with us since the beginning, an idea he posited in Our Haunted Planet and ...

The Mothman Timeline | TheMothMan Wikia | FANDOM powered by ...

Voodoo in Haiti - Google Books Result
Alfred Métraux - 2016 - Fiction
THE SOCIETIES OF SORCERERS Only with the greatest reluctance will the peasants of Haiti go out alone at night. What they fear is not so much an encounter with ghosts or evil spirits but to fall in unexpectedly with a 'column' of criminals of a special kind called, according to region, zobop, bizango, galipotes, 'hairless pigs' ...


Read this website. Specifically the 2nd journal. On this ""my bicycle website.. On obvious logic regarding covid 19.
Other places in the website are rational too. Of course.Including the links.
But the 2nd journals contents is the logical spot to begin reading:
Please note that" in terms of christianity and what jesus states to humanity in matthew 5: 17 to 20" the firm truth of the matter is ""closing down human societies will not prevent corona virus .
That's obvious.
When all the facts of christianity specifically are presented on an open table.
So to speak.
I explain this here.
I deemed reverse psychology neccacary now.
Because humans never listen to true logic.
I also explain in various other outposts here how such a matter can be appropriately dealt with.
Do not be misled by the name.
No disrespect intended.
The website addresses complete wisdom for humans.
Unfortunately humans never listen to logic ....
The polio virus lasted from 1910 to 1945.
And humans didnt close down human societies.
Why they doing it now?
Defeating diseases is easy.
The problem is humans hearken too much to evil spirits.
And evil spirits then bring such evils.
Yet their are ways even to avoid diseases even if evil spirits are around.
I explain that truth too in my websites.
Why people never follow such simple instructions I address in my websites on such matters is beyond me.
Just so you know..
It's kind of an insult to god from mortals to close portions of human societies down in the midst of a virus.
It says that humans think that closing down human societies will allow humans to continue to live defiant of deuteronomy 28: 58 to 59 ..
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Summarizing all the facts properly is what a rational person endeavours to do.
Humanity has become so alienated from the truth of christ that unfortunately I have to go to many subjects to appropriate the facts of this situation. In a proper summary of what is relevant here.
This requires attending to many subjects.
Even subjects that are mostly irrational at times briefly need summarizing.
Due to leviticus 19: 35 to 37.
As matthew 5: 17 teaches humanity.
Weigh everything appropriately.
In a balance. Give every fact an appropriate judgment.
I clearly do that here.
And if humans just listened to my rational advice no corona virus would prevail on earth.
Humans refuse to listen to my logic. Though.
Because humans prefer irrationality.
It seems.
O well.
That's not my fault.
I did what jesus said I was supposed to do.
If humans had simply paid attention to what jesus says in luke 4" 4 theyd know that I am who I say I am.
In this existence.
Because a simple summary of christianitys scriptures clearly denote that I am who I say I am in my websites.
People have understanding.
And that's not hard to understand in the least.
No one on earth from this time frame of this existence figured that obvious truth out?
That' shows an incredible lack of disrespectful for what jesus states to humanity in this life in luke 4: 4.
Through christianitys holy ghost.
No less.
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