- After going to a mall today, to buy groceries
- ,I decided to go have one of my pops and a few hot dogs and have 🥧a small picnic🍭 in a place entitled forest lawn memorial gardens.
In my city.
In a private area.https://photos.app.goo.gl/9yu3nCninXRmSJxHA
Where a friends mom lays.
.when I got there I went to miss derrys tomb stone.🔮🎭
I was about to drink my - POP in private.🥤https://photos.app.goo.gl/FBJT7iCfzm8nPqJ59
When I noticed something.🤨
In a small Bush tree to the right, Some MORON or MORONS had tied a blue Jay to a tree by the neck, with a zip tie.🐦
and then wrapped purple ribbons around it.
.I noticed this because I walked passed the tree and approached.🕊
And the bird didnt fly away.🏢
Though I walked right beside it.
So, I realized I had to find something to cut the zip TIE.
And set the bird free.🎷🎷🎷
So I went looking😚.
First I went to the idiots hotel beside the graveyard.
Nasser🤡 the great 🤩 WHO OWNS THE INSANE HOTEL started shrieking😱 at me, "" woe no, sir!! Corona virus!! Woe no!! I cant give you scissors to save the bird 🐦because I'm afraid of THE Corona VIRUS madness!!🤡
Go ask MY tenants!! Kertyaa!! - WAABOOGAAA!!!🐶🐒🐦🤡🦊😱🐸
Go bug my tenants for scissors!!🤡🐵👹🤪
I must remain behind this wall!!
Shouted Nasser.😱🎃✨
The owner of the idiots hotel beside the graveyard.
I said """okay nasser."""🙊🎷🦜🐸
Ya nut." 🤡😱🍌
Then I went and asked a bunch of other people for a pair of a scissors to save this bird from the fucking tree.
And all the people were paranoid out of their minds.
- Now I give earthlings an option to override such nonsense here.
In this link.
I have that authority.connected to c3q94 of the prophesies of Michel denotredame.
And I do.
In honor of christs words addressed here.
In matthew 24: 20- 24 of christianitys scriptures.
By which factor, if humans shut off such modern technology on saturday, christs sabbath, and show some decent sincerenity to gods commandments on that note then god will intervene and stop such modern technology from working evils.
On earth.
A very merciful option given to humanity today.
Considering the incredible hypocrisy displayed on the part of humanity presently to christs simple commandments.
Yet, that true statement just mentioned does not alter the fact that modern transport inventions are not truly a human necessity
They amount to a luxury.
That destroys mother earth every day.
Modern technology is clearly irrational.
As is any invention of man.
God didnt put inventions that destroy earth on the planet.
Humans did that.
Through evil spirits.
That's all to obvious when the facts of this life are evaluated properly.
And no invention of man was ever truly a human necessity.
Humans more interested in luxury then in god ir jesus, sinfully made inventions into a necessity by choosing devilish luxury in such technically ridiculous inventions, over sound living in christ.
That is the real true reason why corona virus is prevalent on earth presently.
Granted, their are a million other idiotic functions of life humans today do too, which causes such a disease on earth.
It's TRUE.
Call a spade a spade.
But the other corrupt things humans do are indirect reasons as to why corona virus is presently here on earth.
The main reason why corona virus is prevalent presently on earth is by far obviously due to the fact people on earth place cars before christ and before christs sabbath day.
In this life.
On earth.
By far ..
Modern technology is clearly irrational.
As is any invention of man.
God didnt put inventions that destroy earth on the planet.
Humans did that.
Through evil spirits.
That's all to obvious when the facts of this life are evaluated properly.
And no invention of man was ever truly a human necessity.
Humans more interested in luxury then in god ir jesus, sinfully made inventions into a necessity by choosing devilish luxury in such technically ridiculous inventions, over sound living in christ.
That is the real true reason why corona virus is prevalent on earth presently.
Granted, their are a million other idiotic functions of life humans today do too, which causes such a disease on earth.
It's TRUE.
Call a spade a spade.
But the other corrupt things humans do are indirect reasons as to why corona virus is presently here on earth.
The main reason why corona virus is prevalent presently on earth is by far obviously due to the fact people on earth place cars before christ and before christs sabbath day.
In this life.
On earth.
By far ..
- Yet, for the appropriate sake of record,, IF HUMANS ON EARTH ARE WILLING TO GIVE UP THEIR CARS FOR THE SAKE OF mother earth then corona virus will leave the atmosphere of earth.
- It's that simple.
- I highly doubt humans will do something so decent.😮
- Yet, just for the record, all facts on earth , summarized properly at this point in human history clearly verify the true reason why corona virus is on earth is because humans love and adore cars above the welfare of mother earth presently in this life.
- .
- But, Anyways, now to summarize the facts of the preceding information addressed, regarding a bird I found tied to a tree recently so I now say this.
- , I asked a bunch of people🤩
- In devilish cars connected to revelation 16: 13- 14 and 1st cor 10: 20- 21 for help in freeing this bird from the tree some idiot or idiots tied it to.😮
- With zip ties.
- All the people in cars refused to help.🤪
- Some ignored me when I said a 😈🐦🤡🐧👹🐸🤪Bird was in trouble.
- Others laughed.🥳🦜🤡🐦👿🦅😱🕊🤪
- Then,
A man in a car started shrieking, " DONT APPROACH ME!! IM ALL THAT MATTERS, HE SCREAMED.
Then, in a metaphorical format in words, he screamed that HE MUST SAVE HIMSELF FROM CORONA VIRUS.
AND HE MUST SAVE HIMSELF FROM WHAT IS ADDRESSED IN CHRISTIANITY IN A PASSAGE OF CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURE ENTITLED MARK 8 VERSE35 TOO.🤪🦜😮🤪🐦🥳🐓🦖🧟♀️ - Then, another woman in a canadian tire parking lot ran away in terror, with a horrified look in her eyes, when i calmly approached this woman, to ask her if she had a pair of scissors I could borrow to save the bird I found tied to a tree.🐶🐵👹🦖🐸🥳👼🐷🦜😈🤡
- She was shrieking🐒🐓🧟♂️ in fright.
- A real sane woman there.🦊🐦👩🦱
Then another woman also ran screaming in terror when i calmly approached her.🧟♀️🐶🦜👩🦳🧟♀️
And asked her for a pair of scissors so I could save this bird.🐦🦜🐓🦖 - Then, incredibly
Another person started screaming, maybe the bird has corina virus!!😮🐓🐸🤪🐵🕊😈🥳🦅🤡
Let it die!!
Let it die!!
Best to let it die!! - Just in case!!
- Dont approach the bird!!🐦😱🐸👿🐓🥳🤡🦊🤪
- To help it!!
- It's too risky!!""🧟♀️😈😱🐓🤪👩🦱🐸🦊🤡
- The person screamed.
- I quess if that's the case, if a person starts choking on some food and CPR is neccacary, such a person is shit out of luck in today's human societies, eh?
- Wow.
- You people on earth presently are incredible.
- The good samaritan is not a concept humans on earth are presently into.😮👹🐷🧟♀️🦖🤡🦜🐸🐶🥳🤪🧟♂️
- Due to the fact, ya never know.
- Woe my god!!
- Yes!!!
- Yes !!!
- YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!😚🙊🙊🐨😀😀😱🐷🐎☠
By this time I was fed up.
With all these fucked up people not caring about this birds life.
And only caring about their OWN lives. And corona virus.
And so I said, whatever.
Freaky merciless Assholes.
So I went and spent the 4 bucks at the doar dollar store for proper scissors.
To save the bird from the tree.
When I finally got back I did set it free.
But not before I cut five different zip ties.
Some idiot had tied the bird to a tree with five different zip ties.
One to its neck and another to its toes etc.
And also purple ribbons.
It flew away.
After I freed it from the breaches or rather branches it was tied to.
But I couldn't get the zip TIE off its neck.
The one tied around its neck.
Because it was too risky, ..
The scissors might have gone into the BIRDS neck.
So I had no choice.
I had to leave that part of the zip TIE on the bird.
The bird appeared okay.
I think itll survive.
I think?
I cant be certain.
But I think it's okay.
Some idiots did that to a bird.
And ruined my picnic in memorial gardens.
Weirdd eh?
Show quoted text
It was too risky to cut the zip TIE secured around the birds neck, ..
If I tried it I probably would have killed the bird.
So I didnt try it.
What wackos have the time to do that to a bird?...
Show quoted text
And here's a better question.
How did they catch the blue Jay?
Fucking crazies everywhere.
Saturday, May 2, 2020

1 comment:
- Modern technology was never truly a requirement for humans to survive on earth.ReplyDelete
Nor was any invention of man ever a requirement for humans to survive.
Connected to the first epistle of john 2: 15 to 17, ecclesiastes 7: 26, and psalm 99: 8
And, if the truth be said, it causes more harm then good for humans.
A relationship with christ suffices.
Humans made modern technology into a necessity though.
Above decent living in christ.
By choosing it, over christs simple statutes addressed for man in this life. .
And humans choose inventions above christs decent sabbatical.
That would clearly be the main problem with modern technology.
The one that cannot be tolerated.
Because as john 14, 15 states , the keeping of the sabbath day is an easy commandment to keep.
Connected to james 2: 10- 11.
To place hypocritical deceit before christ on the sabbath day is twisted hypocritical sin.
Their is no need for that.
Obviously a true fair appropriate summary of the facts of this life, in their entirety fully confirms the accuracy of those statements.
Those are words which are completely precise.
Totally and unwaveringly.
Regarding sensible judgments for man.
If a commandment is simple then keep it.
Do not mock christ by not keeping a totally simple commandment of god.
Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.
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This man said to me that if the holy ghost in christianity tells true Christian's on earth in this existence to pick up a sword to fight against satan and evil people, then the holy ghost must be sinful.
I told the man not to count his chicks before they hatch.
On those statements addressed.
In connection to mark 3 veraec29 and luke 4, verse 4 whole. Yes.
Foolish humans.
As does Roman's 4 verses 7 to 8.
This connects with psalm 32, verse 2 and psalmb51 verse 10.
Why was david given such grace?
Even though David failed infinitely above other righteous beings of the Christian scriptures?
Because of psalm 51 verse 10.
I have found a man whose heart is like mine!
Exclaimed the lord.
Sincere and pure.
In a sincere fashion.
As matthew 5 verses 17 to 20 warn .
Foolish humans.
Why did the biblical man david not die by a sword if he lived by the sword in this life?
Connected to 1st samuel 15 verses 3 to 33?!!
Because david was sincere and true to god ultimately in this life.
And never truly sought out sin .
In hypocritical defiance of christ.
Regarding many holy biblical men killing evil men with swords.
Such as like moses and joshua too.
Because such men were sincere to christs laws.
Even while holding a sword.
To devils.
That's why 1st timothy 1 verses 9 to 10 and Roman's 4 verses 7 to 8 are written.
And that too is why the holy ghost in christianity is actually thoroughly immaculately righteous for what the holy ghost speaks through Jeremiah.
In Jeremiah 48 verse 10.
Woe to him who does not pick up a sword against hypocrites.
In connection to 2nd peter 1 verses 19 to 21.
And luke 4 versec4.
That too is a matter appropriately explained, decently , with facts.
In this website.
It's TRUE, hypocrites and sinners,,not sincere to christ, are not permitted to pick up a sword, and kill.
That's why matthew 26 versec52 was spoken by jesus.
In connection to the scripture that finds jesus saying, I have not come to call the righteous to repentance, but rather sinners.
As also john 1 verse 47 proves.
Regarding what jesus says about his
apostle named Bartholomew.
Bartholomew was pure beyond measure according to christ , in this life.
So the majority of humans miss the boat on the truth of Roman's 3 verse 23 on that note.
A precious few saints in this life were pure.
Chosen by christ.
Due to their works in prior existences.
Unknown to most created beings.
In this life.
That too is a matter I explain for humans in proper detail with facts.
In this website.
Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.
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Not , " speak of the devil." Woe my. Me knew that. But me forgot.
O my.Me bad.