Sunday, January 17, 2021 brief note"

before I begin this website on various human facts------------
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applied to a variety of human facts yet mostly to diabolical women in human history is simply this.

ðŸ˜ąðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸ‘Đ‍👧‍👧an added note on the following youtube video which addresses female serial killers in human history is worded as follows.


Image result for make gifs motion images of crazy people panicking and shrieking loudly

ðŸĪ” ðŸĪŊ🧟‍♂️

Who is the most prolific female killer in human history?

Most likely it is this lady.

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Queen theodora. Of byzantium. Around between 527 to 565 a d.
Little known human historical fact.

It is said " theodora was a closet lesbian.

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And many women and girls ""perhaps even over 2000 of them" during her reign" as queen of Greece or rather as Greece was known then "as" byzantium" entered her lesbian dungeon.
But none came out.

Reflective of this link here.

After such female slaves entered her dungeon
None were ever seen again.
I kid you not.

It is an historic fact.

Except about 12 female and male slaves of theodora who assisted her in such murders.

And worked as assistants in such a situation.

I saw it written in two historic books on my studies of the dark ages.
From 416 to 880 ad.
It is actually factual.

She also killed a variety of male slaves too.

And tortured them by fucking them up their asses.

But" for some weird reason" not a very well known fact.

I suspect it's not a very well known fact due unto the fact justinian the first " her husband"  and theodora of byzantium were immensely rich.

And powerful.

Politically and otherwise.

They were also known to be generous with their money and riches.

Yet how far of a virtue is that when people around you are just giving you more money all the time?

It's like they say " the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

As it obviously takes money to make money .

In this life.

Yet anyways..

So" during her reign" her word was complete law.

By which factor

If one of her lesbian slaves displeased her therefore " they died usually naked " in some way" in her secret dungeons. 

Hidden in her castles.

I finish this precursor introduction  post with this.

A conversation I had with an associate of mine in this life.

The conversation went as follows.

Queen theodora. Of byzantium. 

Around between 527 to 565 a d.
Little known human historical fact.

It is said " theodora was a closet lesbian.

And many women and girls ""perhaps even over 2000 of them" during her reign" as queen of Greece or rather as Greece was known then "" byzantium" entered her lesbian dungeon.
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After such female slaves entered her dungeon
None were ever seen again.

I kid you not.

It is an historic fact.

I saw it written in two historic books on my studies of the dark ages.

From 416 to 880 ad.

It is actually factual.

But" for some weird reason" not a very well known fact.

I suspect it's not a very well known fact due unto the fact justinian the first " her husband"  and theodora of byzantium were immensely rich.
And powerful.

Politically and otherwise.

So" during her reign" her word was complete law.
If one of her lesbian slaves displeased her therefore " they died usually naked " in some way" in her secret dungeons.  

Hidden in her castles.

Yeah I have seen this vid before. And read a little bit about her as well as Countess Bathory.

Evil ladies to be sure. 
There is a scene in the movie Hostel 2 where a woman sort of re enacts a Countess Bathory style murder.

 Bathing in the blood of a young woman, most likely a virgin. 

I know you like horror flicks as much as I do Kerry. 

Have you seen the Hostel movies? 

Directed by Eli Roth, one of the better directors of the horror genre today.

There are 3 of them , the 3rd was not directed by Roth and it is kinda stupid, but not unwatchable.
The first two are great horror films. Two of the best of the 90s horror films.

From: vinnie venus 

Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2021 11:39:04 AM
To: S.D. Osborne 

Subject: Watch "25 Most EVIL Women In History" on YouTube
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Troy. At city lights or rather "" grooves"" told me that " hostel 4 should be out some time this year on dvd .

It's something that grew on me.


It's a strange human nature.

But to be completely truthful?

I didnt like horror movies at all.

Tell I started hanging out with tyler.

Tyler's the person who basically introduced me to horror flicks.

Before I met ty" I wasnt really a horror movie guy at all.

Him forcing me to watch horror movies while on acid or shrooms or whatever is what made me into a horror fan.

But not just tyler.

My other friends.

Especially bill lockhart and dave noseworthy.

Those drug dealers I lived with on cheap side and adelaide.

When I was 15.

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But... no 
I never watched horror movies by myself.

It wasnt my thing..
I didnt like them.
My friends got me into them.

Now I do.
It's just human nature.
I suppose.
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That I resisted.
But their only movies.

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My point "" though"" shaun; is; it's strange " how money and power helped theodora influence human history to side with her.
To the point where " people and society basically turned a blind eye to her homicidal savageries.

I read in two history books how theodora took countless female slaves into her secret dungeon quarters.

And these slaves" at least 2000 of them were never seen by anyone ever again.

The point?

She most likely wouldnt have gotten away with killing all those women and girls in her lesbian dungeon" if she wasnt such a humanitarian in her regular life.

And if she wasnt that rich.

See what I'm saying?

Queen theodora of byzantium 
From 527 to around 545 ad.

Shes probably the most prolific serial killer in human history.

Yet byzantium society and  culture choose 
To hide that fact.

From human history.
For the majority.
No one knows.

Yiu have to research the dark ages closely.
To realize that truth.


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Weird ""too""" how only two history books in my studies fave a reference to that.

And recorded it.
Because I did a huge study in that time period.

And only two briefly mentioned that fact.

All the rest spoke highly of theodora.
As a noble queen.

Tell me that's not weird?

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Ooo and let's not forget a bout ron .

 Too that jokester and mike derry.
They both got me into horror movies too.

Always sitting around.. and getting me to sit around.

Doing nothing for a while.
But watching crazy horrors.

Please nooooo.
Mike and ron?
I begged.

Cant we do something else?
But they said ..

"" no kerry."" We have to watch horror movies.
Before we go do other things.

This week.""
That's basically what they said.
So I unwillingly watched horror movies.

Til I got used to them.

O well.
That's part of  life.
I  bauess.

Or rather "" I quess.

Strange how my computer changed the word " QUESS" TO BAUESS?

At least for some people.

For me it was.


To summarize this conversation?


Ya see " after a long work of doing charity and humanitarian work the glorious 6th century byzantine a d empress " theodora needed time to unwind from all of her kind compassionate doings regarding her daily life.

So .
On weekends?

Unbeknownst to almost everyone else around her 

She' d enter her dungeon where she's d have her lesbian slave women chained and she's unwind by first  torturing some of them and slaughtering them " the ones she was upset with " but then afterwards " for even more relaxation' she'd then have lesbian sex with her favourite nude female slaves.

Til she grew bored of them.
And killed them.

And that was her basic weekly ritual.

Be a good queen during the week to the free subjects of byzantium.
And do many good charity and political works.

Etc.etc. etc..

And after a hard week of being kind and merciful to her subjects' she'd unwind again on the weekend.

By killing a few more slaves.

In her dungeon.

By hanging them naked by their ankles with their hands chained behind their backs.
And then slowly slaughtering them.

While they whimpered and begged her  for mercy.

"" woe soooooo..!!""
"""Please noooo.!!!" """☆oo mistress!!" They'd cry out.

Before their deaths.

Woe my !!

"""Good news  gracious!!"" Their screamers"" 
Theodora would say under her breath.

Then' she'd have sex with a few others..


Then she'd go back to being queen of byzantium.
For another week.

While the slaves that still lived were kept chained in her dungeon.
For another week..

A grand time was " HAD' by all.

And that was queen theodora.
Of byzantium.

Unknown to most historians..


My sensei?

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Its not weird at all Kerry. 
The rich and powerful have been getting away with horrific things since the beginnings of civilization. 

And managing to keep it hidden. 

Think about how many people like this Theodora have committed the same crimes and gotten away with it, never to be discovered at all.

During the witchcraft/witchhunt craze of the middle ages the church used their power and influence to accuse, try and convict thousands of innocent people just to steal their land and holdings. 

Gille De Rais was a French Knight in the 1400s and a companion in arms to Joan of Arc.

 He was convicted of being a serial molester

& killer of hundreds of children. But many believe he was framed by the church and forced to confess under torture.

Guess who got all his land and holdings after his execution ? 

Read about him some time.

From: vinnie venus <>

Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2021 1:31:46 PM

S.D. Osborne <>


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Re: Watch "25 Most EVIL Women In History" on YouTube

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I know..
He Gilles derails  basically did the same thing as theodora.

I've read it.
But not as many people.
By far.

That's my real  point.


Yet here is something to consider too.

On this note.

Annual statistics of humans that going missing .

In this life.
Shaun the numbers are unusually high.

Even in America alone
So many people have gone missing annually that's it's almost mind boggling at first.

I did a study on that.

I dont remember the exact numbers.

But they were high.
I'm not kidding.

Where did all those people go?

I have a really strong sixth sense about things in this life.Yikes Happy Halloween GIF - Yikes Happy Halloween Smile - Discover &amp; Share  GIFs
And... I'll tell ya...

Riding my bicycle past some of these recluse houses and farms?
In so many areas of canada?

I'm positive I'm sensing deaths.

Or kidnappings.

All over those farms.

I'm passing.

In recluse country areas ...

People were either dead and buried or they were chained somewhere.

I sensed that as I passed those farms..

I know that's what was up with that.


But how do I approach that?

If I dont see it with my own eyes?

I cant help someone if I dont see it happening.


What could I do?

I'm positive I sensed human murders and death everywhere on some of those recluse farms I pedaled my bicycle past.

Especially in alberta.

For some reason.

But shawn?
I couldnt get off my bike and trespass to investigate?

See? I didnt have a warrant.

Its fucked.

I know that " that was the case.


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I think theres enough logical concepts to the following.

Police should have the right to do random checks on farms.

I'm positive that's a logical law.
I mean.... look at the facts.

If a farmer has nothing to hide why would he or " she" oppose it?

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If I recall correctly....?
I did the study on missing persons numbers in the year 1999.
At db Weldon.

And for the years 93 and 94? I think it said?
60" 000 people went missing in the states in 93.

And 90000 went missing in 1994.

I'm pretty sure those were the numbers.

And that was only in the United states alone?

Ya know?..  

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1 comment:

  1. Francesca? A girl on the internet has threatened me with a law suit if I do not tell her what the exact recipe is to my strawberry vodka daiquiri delight liquor drink. So I wrote back to her on the internet and I told her this.

    In writing.
    So "" now"" I see ...ðŸĪĄðŸ›ļ☺

    so you want me to tell you the secret of my Tasty sweet fantastically delicious wondrous wikalos STRAWBERRY VODKA liquor drink?
    OF ME?
    My lady??
    And you think I wont talk. Eh?
    So your threatening to strike me ? With a court case?🐒ðŸĪĄðŸ˜€ðŸ›ļ
    And she will sue me for millions?
    Because I havent revealed to you the secrets of this drinks ingredients?

    Your very demanding.ðŸĶ§ðŸĪĄðŸ˜ēðŸ˜ąðŸŪ😀ðŸđ
    Okay. I dont have millions.
    So to avoid a law suit I'll talk ! I'll talk!
    Heres the recipe for such a drink.

    Take two banana cream pies and mix them beaten """ gently beaten""actually'" in a pan gentle for one hour with one cup of vodka .
    Then sprinkle cinnamon and parsley onto the mixture.ðŸĪĄðŸ˜€ðŸ›ļðŸ˜ēðŸ°ðŸ˜ąðŸĢðŸĪ”ðŸĪĐðŸŧ
    Then " when that's complete" add a tiny package of sweet crushed strawberries to that.


    Then afterthat"" let the mixture sit in a freezer for 23 hours.


    Then thaw it out.ðŸĶ’😀🐞ðŸ›ļðŸ˜ēðŸ˜ąðŸŒēðŸĶĨðŸļ🐙

    Nice and slow.

    That's the way to do it.
    Nice and slow.
    Then refrigerate it to give it a bit of a chill...


    And voila!
    Then after all that work " it's time to relax in the back yard and drink my sweet delicious strawberry daiquiri !

    While playing amazing grace on your stereo.


    On Sat., Jul. 24, 2021, 10:17 p.m. vinnie venus, <> wrote:
