Thursday, January 4, 2024

I begin this website as follows.

With an analysis on ultimately veraciously  two videos.

The first is this.

And it’s addressed to a friend named Carissa.

Worded as follows.

Hi Carissa.


I’m studying true crime.

And on that note?

Did you know this?


This is actually factual.

From human history.

I’m not kidding Carissa.

It is.

I read it with my own eyes.

During my massive 7 year yep study on Christian prophesy and human history at the D B Weldon library’s main  university library.

I’ll word this as follows.

Historysfull of deliberately senseless self righteous people who act without prayer or reverence for anything holy.

 And it’s really a pity. 

But anyhow, this video refers to shocking historical facts? Right? I’ve been doing a study on Christian prophesy on that note and it really is amazing how 6th and 7th century historical facts totally perfectly coincide with Christian prophesy on that note. Aligning this. 

 You want to talk about unknown actual human historical facts coinciding with Christian scriptural factual prophesies in this life in an astonishing light? 

Check that out. I also came across another amazing historical fact likewise.

 In my studies of the 6th and 7th centuries a ruler of Byzantium named queen Theodora was rumoured to have killed one hundred thousand impoverished members of Byzantium and lesbian slave girls she owned too in a dungeon in her capital city where she reigned supreme.

 Their are only a few rare historical references that mention it. But they are mentioned in passing. In a few accounts on queen Theodora of Byzantium. How interesting. 

 It’s like these slaves meant nothing to anyone in human history. People today say countess bathory was evil in bathing in the blood of about 100 young virgins? 

 How about a lady who was said by a few rare human historical accounts on her to have bathed in the blood of over one hundred thousand female slave girls and women ?

 During her reign on earth? And Criminologists say the countess bathory was crazy? 

 Well? Let me tell you about the 6th century story of queen Theodora of Byzantium on that count . She took her sexy lesbian slave girls to levels of excstacy that would put the countess bathory to shame. Regarding mass murder. O my goodness o me o my. 

 True story. 

By the way. I’m not kidding.

 I read that in human history books on Theodora. I admit I can’t remember the references.

 For which I’m a little teed at myself. 

 But I assure you of this:

What I just said there. It’s factual.

 But it’s mostly hidden for some reason. 

 Meaning it’s not well advertised in human history. I suspect it’s because queen Theodora only took criminal slave girls and women to her dungeon to torture. But History also says queen Theodora gave many alms to the poor . During her life also in this existence. 

 And she was beyond rich in this existence. So probably her money paid to hide her depravations in killing many lesbian criminals in her secret dungeons.

 During her relaxation time.

 Or play time. In this life.

 As some richpeople so call such activity . In this existence. 

 Especially very rich people. 

 If your rich?

 Sometimes you can hide that sort of thing. Especially in a corrupt environment or nation where people have forgot Jesus. And queen Theodora? 

 She was beyond rich in this life. That’s why I suspect only a few human historical references briefly mention her incredible homicidal side . In this life. 

 100, 000 sexy criminal nude slave girls

 for her to do what she wishes with before she kills them. O dear me o my.

 Pure and simple.

I’m not kidding.
That’s factual human history.
I read it with my own eyes.
In two history books.
On the 6th century.

But I can’t recall the name of the history books.
You know why?
Because I didn’t think it was relevant to my 7th century study of Christian scriptural prophesy coinciding with human history at the time.

That’s why I didn’t make a note or reference of it.
So weird?
Only two books elaborated on that.
And I studied many books on the 6th century.
Only two mentioned Theodora’s fun times.
And only in passing.
One hundred thousand nude criminal  slave girls.
Tortured in queen Theodora’s castle dungeon?

And it’s only mentioned in passing?
In two books?
Eh Carissa?

That’s absurd.

But it’s actually true.

Truth is stranger then fiction.
In this life.
That’s for sure

 Most alarming. 

Now for video two.

I wonder if this lady who stars in this movie has ever heard of the legend of Hermaphroditus and salmacus.

The legend where a beautiful Demi goddess named salmacus becomes angry with a god named Hermaphroditus because Hermaphroditus is an honourable virgin and salmacus is not.

Or better yet?

Here’s an even better question.

Regarding this woman in this video.

Or all women in fact on earth today.

Worded as follows.

In the Christian bible?

 By way of 2nd Peter 1:19-21 ?

In 2nd Esdras 15 and 16?

It says God will soon kill all men on earth for a while and remove all men from off the earth for a bit due to the evils of humanity in this age.

And then only devilishly wonderous  women will be left on earth.

And then this will cause the women on earth to long for men .

Uh huh.


2nd Esdras 15 and 16 clearly say women will long for men to rape them .

I’m not kidding .

Christianity’s Holy Ghost warns  humans that will happen soon.

No men anywhere for a while.

Due to 2nd Esdras 13:

Whereby all women left on earth will beg God to give them men to rape them.

It actually says that in Christianity.

I wonder what this lady who stars in this movie thinks of that Christian prophesy?

Regarding a Christian prophesy 

That warns humans that all women on earth will soon beg God to give them men to rape them.

Absolutely psychopathic.?


Could Christianity’s prophesies  be true in that regard.

Be careful.

Never doubt Christianity’s all divine Holy Ghost in that regard.


Pure and simple.

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